Old Pictures


Daily Life
Caracalla Restaurant
An Aerial View
Follow the Women
Old City
Old Pictures
Historical Documents
Turkey Journey
Turkey 2
Turkey 3



The islamic Structure inside the theatre.

The Roman Theatre


The Roman Bath ( south Baths).

the roman bath.

the theatre

the cathedral.

The islamic structure in side the theatre.

the west gate. (Bab alhawa).

the main street and the Nabataean gate.

the theatre.

main street before excavation.

inside the castle.

the main street.

the castle before excavation.

The arch of triumph.


A wedding.

A wedding.


excavation and restoration inside the Castle.

Aerial View Old Bosra.

the floor of Omar Mosque.

excavation (theatre).

The eastern.

The Cathedral (Dêr Bohera)

The Palace.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

The theatre.

The Theatre.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

Removing the Islamic structure out from the Roman Theatre.

the theatre( restoration).

The west gate before restoration.

the west gate.

the restoration of the west gate.

restoration of the theatre.

restoration of the theatre.

the intersection between the theatre and the castle.

the intersection between the theatre and the castle.

the intersection between the theatre and the castle.

restoration of the theatre.

the islamic structure inside the theatre.

restoration of the theatre.

the theatre.

the castle from the east.

the floor of Omar mosque.

the main street.

The mosque of Omar. (restoration).


The Cryptoportico


bases of columns.

Aerial View.

the theatre.

The west gate.(Bab Alhawa).





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